Saturday, November 30, 2013

Hazihi Sabili! ~This is my way.. What's yours?

Departing to that path of Love like you have never seen before........
"Qul hazihi sabili ad'u ILALLAH ala bashiratin ana wamanittaba'ani"
"Say (O Muhammad) This is my way.I invite to Allah with clear knowledge.I and whoever follows me (does this). Glorified is Allah, and I am not of the polytheists." (12:108)
May Allah 'Azzawajal provide me with a clean and lively heart as I share this knowledge to you...
Ya Allah! Please guide me and guide those who read this and may they  gain pleasure in seeking your blessings..

It has been a mere long while since I had a feel of sitting in front of a computer and inspire people through writing (All thanks to smartphones that provide multiple applications to share and exit! -,-"). Although I must tell you indeed, this path that I'm taking, it has made me do many things I still believe I couldn't. Wouldn't be as good as others, but hey, if Allah wills, He would give you abundant of goodness and inspiration through my effort of writing. 

Before we start marching forth to this path of Love, let me give you a few love phrases to arouse that spirit of yours!

One Phrase of Love from Bilal:
 Two Phrase of Love from our Dear Prophet:

"Selimuti aku!"
"Cover me!"

Three Phrases of Love from Ummu Sulaim:

"Islammu! Itulah maharku."
"Your Deen (Islam)! That's my dowry."

Four Phrases of Love from Abu Bakr:

"Ya Rasulullah! Aku Percaya..."
"Ya Rasulullah! I believe..."

Five Phrases of Love from 'Umar Al-Khattab:

"Ya Rasulullah! Izinkan kupenggal lehernya!"
"Ya Rasulullah! Give me permission to cut off his head!"

An Overview of the Book

The writer inclusively added a section called "Di Terminal Keberangkatan Jalan Cinta..." that is, "In the Midst towards Departing to that Path of Love.." to give a heads up for the readers in what they will find as they go over the pages of this book. Says he, his last writing had him realised that the world was bombarded with a clash of trend, a psychological reset of the mind, as millions of phenomena of love just burst out from its chambers. Fortunately for him, as a writer, he had comprehended the matter of Love, the actual sight of Love, based on the Quran and the Sunnah.

He understood that Love is NOT above all. Love, as of any other emotions; hate, hope, fear, has to be bounded by a matter much greater and supreme in this life. In addition, Love, inseparable with the word 'eternal', should be entitled to a more profound, magnificent position, not as a destination, but as a long-lasting supply to our short life in this world as the servant of Allah.

The writer strongly believes that Love is one of many effective ways to change the world as of today, truly because Love has been placed as the most dominant emotion in one's soul. It is fair to say that one is able to make changes to the soul until love is written as its priority. Thus, our biggest responsibility starts with the change of perception towards Love, change of the soul,  and change the world. "ubah cinta, ubah jiwa, ubah dunia".
"...Indeed, Allah will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves..."
"...Sesungguhnya Allah tidak mengubah apa-apa yang ada pada sesuatu kaum sehingga mereka mengubah apa-apa yang ada pada jiwa mereka..."

 Ar-Ra'd (13:11)

A set of the mind

Love, like any other affairs, should be embedded in the hearts of those who endure into this trail. The love upheld in this path is unshackled from those prominent false definitions  that are weak, short-term, wretched and inconsolable. It is rather pure, sacred, vibrant, wholesome and most crucially, revolutionary! 

Indeed, it is the Path of a Fighter...

An outlook of the book

The book precedes three VITAL platforms with four visionary steps.  

Platform 1
Exploring the root of falsehood of Love that effectuate despair of those who fall deep into it.

Platform 2
Unraveling the key to our path of Love and also contemplating in today's fast-moving, not to mention, modernised world that compels us to be in pace from it.

Platform 3
Discussing the four dimensions of Love; Intellectual Dimension that displays Vision, Emotional Dimension that inculcates Passion, Spiritual Dimension that views the Soul, and lastly, Physical Dimension that portrays Discipline. 

Allow me to end this small section with a phrase,

"Allah tidak menjadikan bagi seseorang dua hati dalam rongganya...."

(Al-Ahzab 33:4) 


Thursday, November 21, 2013

Overwhelmed, overloaded

Okay, let me get this straight, it has been ages since the last time I have all the motivation in the world to write. Frankly, I have been away from blogosphere too long that I don't feel like writing anymore. That Paua Shell dah tak tahu nak dipulas ke mana ceritanya. Otak pun dah naik lenguh lengan nak diperah.


The past few months, I have been glued to my chair with three projects, [programming projects through and through], and that make me want to tap the keyboards with if-else, for-loop statements anywhere.

Haduihh... [0.o'']

Okay, let us get this game even.
How many of us here can juggle three programming projects in a row, revising for exams, preparing for a project interview, project presentations, and staying happy and lively in between?

None, huh?

And, how about being stupid enough to blind both eyes to all those?

I heard a yes back there.

That makes two yes then. One from someone at the back, one from the one typing these words out right now.

I agree on the latter question. Again, entah. Overloaded, overwhelmed mungkin.

But, on a second thought,  centering myself to one particular thing tends to make me forget to do all the other things in life.

We [me, in particular] should learn to be Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, two personality wrapped into one. Or, to put it in an Islamic way, Umar al-Khattab. He most definitely could be so daring. He could be brave. Bold. That's only the B's. But, when it comes to tahajjud at night, he was the most humble and modest in front of his Lord.

All these while, I have been using the words 'prioritize' and 'busy' too much that I forgot the word 'balance'.

There ain't no painkiller to this disease. The only antibiotic is us and us only. Failing to cure this, you'll eventually be as unfortunate as me.

And lastly, for the disclaimer, I may not know how to put these into words, to make this writing to be nominated as one of the Islamic-Style of writing, but I am pretty sure, beneficial writing can be a good share in the Hereafter as well, no?

Please, please nod.
Pretty please with a cherry on top :]

[Overwhelmed, overloaded]
If else, for loop

Thursday, November 14, 2013

Paua Shell VI

Sid pandang peti sejuk macam nak tembus. Mata dikelip dua tiga kali sebelum memandang kembali peti sejuk.

Kesepuluh jari dilarikan di celah-celah rambut, gaya meredakan pening. Mangkuk susu di tangan rasa semacam ringan, nak aja dilepaskan. Boleh pengsan kena heart attack ni.

Langkah seribu Sid berlari ke dalam bilik. Phone...

"Oih! Pagi lagi ni bro. Aku nak tidur ni."

"Oih! Emergency!"

"Awat?" Wong mengenyeh sebelah mata. Lain bebenor bunyi suara dari hujung talian pagi-pagi buta ni.

"Post-it note kat peti...."

"Kau melalut apa pagi-pagi buat ni?"

"Pa tulis note kat peti."

"So...?" Dah namanya ayah kau, memang habit dia kan tulis note kat peti?

"Mak aku..."

"Asal dengan mak kau?"

"Mak aku datang Auckland."

Yeah right! Pilihan terbaik. Auckland Zoo. Tak guna punya Wong.

Kekok habis. Matanya meliar ke sekeliling. Budak-budak. Kanak-kanak. Ibu. Bapa. Itu saja kot figura yang dia nampak. Berbelasan tahun tak keluar macam ni dengan Abah dan Ma. Skema perkara-perkara untuk dibuat bersama ibu bapa pun dia tak hafal.

Dipandangnya sekeliling lagi. Budak tu makan ais krim sambil tangan lagi sebelah dipimpin tangan si  ayah. Aku nak kena pimpin tangan Abah ke? Ke tangan Ma? Ais krim tu optional kan?

Mungkin sebab last time pergi zoo dengan Abah dan Ma masa di Malaysia belasan tahun lalu, buat dia sendiri rasa terpanggil untuk ke zoo hari ni. Entah kenapa. Walaupun idea asal adalah idea gila Wong.

Ma sampai semalam. Rehat di rumah seharian. Mati akal punya pasal, dia tembak Wong dengan bermacam soalan. Konklusi akhir, Wong cadangkan pergi Zoo.

Jadi, ke zoo lah mereka hari ini.

"Adiq..." Ma toleh ke Sid. Sid angkat muka.

"How's study?"

Sid buat muka selamba." so."

Senyap. Lagi. Ma pun tak banyak nak bunyi hari ni. Bukan macam hari-hari yang dilaluinya di Malaysia, keadaan Ma dengan Pa macam anjing dengan kucing.

Mereka berjalan melintasi reban ayam.

"How's Malaysia Ma?" Giliran Sid buka mulut. Lepas ni mesti Pa pula ambil giliran.



"Kampung mesti banyak ayam kan?" Pa cuba berceloteh. "Sini ayam pun nak dibuat pameran."

Ma sekadar mengangguk tersenyum. Celoteh Pa tak dibalas. Mati akal gamaknya.

Sid pun sekali melakar senyum. Okay lah, sekurang-kurangnya, anjing dah kucing dah cari jalan damai.


"Okay apa pergi Zoo. At least ada la benda nak dibuat. Besok lusa bawak la pergi MOTAT lak."

"Kau ingat Mak aku buat lawatan sambil belajar ke?"

Ketawa pecah di hujug talian. "Bawak perg Rotorua la. Takpun South Island."

"Itu aku arrange dengan ayah aku la kot nanti."

"So, how was it? Mak ayah kau dah okay belum?"

"Boleh la dikatakan okay. Awkward lagi, tapi we're gonna get there  tak lama lagi. Kau pun, doa-doakan la."

"InshaAllah, kawan aku selalu dalam doa aku."

"So,what're you up to this petang?"

"Nothing. Parent aku letih, dua-dua tengah berehat."

"Fancy a cuppa?"

"Sure. Gloria Jeans?"

"I'll pick you up at Britomart."

<bersambung ...>

[Paua Shell VI]
Nak balik T.T

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